
with Renan

Dimanche 16 Juin (16h30 à 18h00)

Workshop : Tricks, Lines & Transitions

In this class we’re gonna learn details of Exotic elements, lines, tricks and transitions with progressions for all levels.
Here we are going to learn how to bring sinuosity to our movement and also work on creativity in creating combos.

11 places : 1 élève par pole en Salle Plaisir

59 €


with Renan

Dimanche 16 Juin (18h00 à 19h30)

Workshop : Sexy Hypno Flow

I like to called it Sexy hypno flow the way we’re going to dance during this class.
Here we’re gonna explore a Low Flow movement abusing of different lines and also exploring sensuality.
With a lot different transitions while we dance together in a sexy and hypnotic mood! Recommended for all levels!

11 places : 1 élève par pole en Salle Plaisir

59 €

Ce workshop est complet !

A propos du coach

Download Renan personal presentation